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Strike Preparations

There are some critical steps that members need to ensure they have completed prior to a work stoppage.  Failure to complete the below steps may delay your ability to participate in strike duties or receive strike pay.  Please ensure that you have joined OPSEU and have a union member number, and that you have updated your information with OPSEU including Direct Deposit information!

If you are already a member, locate your 6 or 7 digit OPSEU membership number.  If you cannot locate your membership number, please email and request us to send you the number we have on file.

OPSEU Membership

Complete your OPSEU membership by using the QR code or go to


If you are Partial Load, select Loyalist College- Academic Full Time from the first drop down list on pg 2 of the application (there is a spot at the bottom of page 2 to select FT or PL (for some reason if you select “Loyalist College- Part Time” the rest of the form will not work.

membership link.png

Update your information with OPSEU

Register/Log onto the OPSEU Membership Portal ( and update your personal information, dependent information, and banking information.  You will NOT be eligible for strike pay if you do not complete this step. 


If you have any issues completing this you need to email  You can also call OPSEU/SEFPO member services at 1-800-268-7376 as this is not something we can assist with locally.

Go to the online portal:

This will bring you to your online portal for OPSEU. If you do not have an online account, directions under the “First Time Here?” section will assist you. You will need your OPSEU membership number (6 or 7-digit number)- so you must complete the above application first. 

After signing into your online account, complete your profile information (Update Info) and then follow these steps:

To add dependent(s):

Click Menu -> My Profile -> Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Dependant Information” -> Add New -> Enter dependant information -> Click Submit 

*If you have more than one dependent, follow the above steps again. 

To add direct deposit information:

Click Menu -> Home Page -> Scroll to “Quick Links” -> Click Direct Deposit Agreement -> Complete the Online Form -> Upload Direct Deposit Form from your banking institution -> Click Save

Thank you.

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